Fr. Daren Zehnle of Servant and Steward fame has started a new blog dedicated to quotes from Pope Benedict. This promises to be a great resource for all of us who love il Papa. He has given the blog the name "Beggar for Love", and describes it as follows:
This blog will be a labor of love in recording many of my favorite passages from the words and writings of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.Go, read, learn.With each day my love and admiration for this holy man grows and I desire to share this love with others.
The title of this blog - A Beggar for Love - is taken from the homily he delivered at the Penitential Celebration with the Youth of the Diocese of Rome on 29 March 2007.
It seems to me that at the heart of His Holiness lies the heart of a poet. His writings are especially evocative and beautiful and I want to help others hear the words, the teachings and the wisdom of our current Holy Father.
I will label each quotation I post and so this blog will - I hope - also be a sort of database to search when looking for quotes on a particular subject.
May the words of our Holy Father inspire and build up our faith.
Ad multos annos, gloriosque annos, vivas, vivas vivas!