Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Sex and porn

Well that should make for some interesting hits in the search engines. Sorry folks, this is a Catholic blog, so no raunchy pictures here just a pointer to a great post by Marcel at Aggie Catholic. It's a nice summation of JPII's Theology of the Body framed in a style that we're seeing more and more from the Church these days - talk not about a "negative" theology but rather of the beauty and wonder of God's creation and our duty to use that creation appropriately. I think his third point nails it:

3 - Sex is about real love. Real love is living for what is best for the other, regardless of the cost to myself. Think about it - what is more powerful than having sex? The greatest power we have is to create and the greatest of all created things is a human being. When a child is created in a mother's womb, it is because two people have the opportunity to procreate. That is, to create with God. Sex is the most powerful thing humans can participate in.

Catholics do not hate sex, we do not despise the body. We want only for the body to be respected for what it is - an integral part of the whole of man and woman created in God's image. Smut is not beauty, it is the disrespect of beauty - God is Beauty itself, and we derive our beauty from our proximity to Him in word deed and likeness.